
Striving to build the greatest lifestyle medicine resource in the UK

Services for customers

In order for this website, and related services, to become the very best possible resource for people wishing to take responsibility for their health I am looking for experts to collaborate with.

Collaboration might be in the form of

  1. speaking at events, conferences and workshops
  2. running programmes
  3. guest blogs
  4. guest vlogs
  5. interviews
  6. writing papers, tip sheets and insights
  7. webinars, webcasts and podcasts

If you have some other wonderful idea then I would love to hear from you.

If you have expertise in any health area, particularly the following, or know of someone who has, then I would love to hear from you.

  1. Diet and nutrition
  2. Herbal medicine
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Exercise
  5. Complementary therapies
  6. Mental health
  7. Public and private health ‘systems’

Other health topics not mentioned here may well be of interest too .  If you want to know about a topic, or think that others would like to know more about a topic, please contact me.