Podcast: some tips on seeing the positive in CoronaVirus isolation.
April 5, 2020

Podcast: positive lessons from CoronaVirus, with Lizzie Pickering and Nick Parker. I have stopped counting the ways that I am blessed with good fortune. And I am truly humbled in equally as many ways by all those people during this CoronaVirus time who only see suffering. Lizzie Pickering, the film maker, grief researcher and dear…
The art & science of living. My journeys, strategies & discoveries
November 8, 2019

Monday 11th November 2019, Cheltenham at The Isbourne. Tickets available through isbourne.org
Staying Alive documentary with the wonderful Bill Turnbull
October 23, 2019

Documentary ‘Staying Alive’ airs Thursday 24th Oct, 10pm on Channel 4. I am feeling hugely conflicted at the moment. It does not need me to tell you that I have not posted anything for more than a year now. I had taken a sabatical from all things online for 12 months or so (I haven’t…
An idea for getting more exercise into every day.
July 19, 2018

There is so much advice on how much exercise we should be doing. Who knows what is the right advice. Or what is wrong advice. And how do we assess ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ advice anyway? There are so many considerations to answering this, and I have had so many people challenge me on ‘what is…
ChippyWellFest free tickets now available- a day of inspiring stories, talks and tips about your lifestyle health
July 6, 2018

A unique day of inspiring talks to open minds and challenge understanding around lifestyle, health and wellbeing. Generously given to the community by ten expert health practitioners and lifestyle gurus. Hear about: …a real life story of how the prognosis of a terminal disease can be managed through the specifics of living the right lifestyle…