Staying Alive documentary with the wonderful Bill Turnbull
October 23, 2019

Documentary ‘Staying Alive’ airs Thursday 24th Oct, 10pm on Channel 4.
I am feeling hugely conflicted at the moment.
It does not need me to tell you that I have not posted anything for more than a year now.
I had taken a sabatical from all things online for 12 months or so (I haven’t been counting). Since ChippyWellFest 2018 things really started to get on top of me, one way or the other. Some part of me feels guilty for not returning all the expressions of love that wonderful people have showered on me and my amazing family.
I wanted to get back to human connections. To be me.
To retreat from all the things that go ‘ping’ in my life: to not be at the beck and call of external stimuli the whole time.
Nevertheless I finally broke cover these last few days because the amazing man who is Bill Turnbull (most recently of BBC Breakfast and Classic FM) fame. He gifted me an opportunity last February that is too important to be restricted by my frailty and sensitivities.
Bill has made a wonderfully open documentary about his journey with prostate cancer. He is doing such an incredible job in giving men and their families the permission to take responsibility for their health. To have hope in the face of shitty prognoses and to seek out the joys in life.
It is called Staying Alive and airs this Thursday 24th Oct, 10pm on Channel 4.
I am honoured that Bill asked me to be part of his documentary. In alerting you and others to this documentary I hope there are a few takeaway messages that I have supported Bill in getting across.
If you get something out of this important piece of TV then I will feel good. Good that I have done a little bit more to repay the love and support that all of you have all gifted to me, Susannah, my boys and my family over the last four years.
Love you all. Always.