Podcast: some tips on seeing the positive in CoronaVirus isolation.
April 5, 2020

Podcast: positive lessons from CoronaVirus, with Lizzie Pickering and Nick Parker.
I have stopped counting the ways that I am blessed with good fortune. And I am truly humbled in equally as many ways by all those people during this CoronaVirus time who only see suffering.
Lizzie Pickering, the film maker, grief researcher and dear friend contacted me recently whilst in lockdown. We chewed the cud about what our respective backgrounds in trauma was teaching us about how to cope with this new world in which we find ourselves.
We became so empassioned over what we were talking about that we decided to publish a podcast the very next day. In putting this 20 minute piece together we hope that it provides some inspiration and enlightenment to others. This is our dearest wish.
Podcast: positive lessons from CoronaVirus, with Lizzie Pickering and Nick Parker
(If you would like to contact Lizzie about her truly inspiring work that she does in corporate workspaces to help staff deal with all aspects of grief contact her [email protected] or to find about the charity she works with here: The Good Grief Project.
Thank you too to Cam Pickering for doing a wonderful job in editing this podcast.
Stay safe.
No mud, no lotus.