How to boost your white cell count

June 24, 2018

cancer cell attacked by lymphocytes (white cells)

  I find this topic fascinating. I could make it the rest of my life’s work if I were more focused.  Or were I not to find so many other things about life and health so fascinating. Fascinating because My oncologist said that repairing my white cell count, following 5 months of chemotherapy, was not…

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Nick’s top 3 reading list – wellbeing books

June 19, 2018

Nick Parker - the Cancer JourneyMan reading list

I guess these sorts of things are a very personal thing.  They depend on where you are coming from and where you are going to. In the modern age there are so many ways to ‘consume’ a book too. I wonder if my top Audible books would be the same as my top books that…

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Michael McIntyre. Totally Irrepressible.

June 2, 2018

Michael McIntyre taking Nick Parker out to lunch Raphael Hospital 31st May 2018 1

  I had the greatest of privileges on Thursday just gone.  I caught up with the totally irrepressible man that is Michael McIntyre.  As many of you will know Michael is recovering from a stroke, currently at Raphael Hospital. You will be delighted to hear that he is his usual self: challenging convention, full of…

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